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Middle Tennessee Community Resource Finder

This directory, curated by the Center for Knowledge Management (CKM), provides access to Middle Tennessee community resources addressing health-related social needs. The directory can be searched by domain, targeted population, and title keywords. Recommend a new resource or submit an edit for an existing resource by using the Resource Suggestion Form.

Displaying 91 - 105 of 195
Resource Title:
Nashville Metro Parks and Recreation
Targeted Population(s):
Adolescents, Adults, Children, Families, Men, Women
Nashville has several paved greenway trails throughout the city that connect communities in the area. The greenway system is designed to offer residents access to natural resources, such as streams, lakes, and rivers, as well as schools, parks, and retail locations. Area greenways are located throughout the city and provide options for physical activity and transportation.
Exercise, Transportation
Geographic Location:
Davidson County
Resource Title:
Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County
Targeted Population(s):
Adults, Men, Women
The Office of Family Safety provides resources for several safety-related concerns (e.g., domestic violence, burglary victim information, safe walking tips). Additionally, the center provides many free and confidential services in areas such as safety planning, danger assessment, orders of protection, counseling, and crisis intervention. Help is also available for emergency food assistance, shelter/housing assistance, and children's services.
Domestic Violence, Safety
Geographic Location:
Davidson County
Resource Title:
Metro Office of Homeless Services
Targeted Population(s):
Adults, Men, Women
This Metro Program assists homeless individuals aged 18 and older in locating housing and finding employment. The program provides case managers who link individuals with social services such as counseling, life management skills, and senior nutrition. One service includes providing bus passes for clients, with the purpose of obtaining and maintaining housing.
Housing, Employment, Material Needs - Food, Transportation, Safety
Geographic Location:
Davidson County
Resource Title:
Metro Public Health Department
Targeted Population(s):
Adolescents, Adults, Children, Families, Men, Women
Metro Nashville and Davidson County’s Public Health Department offers preventive health services, behavioral health programs, dental care, and disease screening to children and adults on a sliding payment scale basis. Programs are also available for smoking cessation and food-related needs. Three Health Center locations (Lentz Public Health Center, East Public Health Center, and Woodbine Public Health Center) serve Davidson County.
Alcohol Use, Material Needs - Food, Personal Finances, Material Needs - Dental, Medical/Medicine, Vision, Insurance
Geographic Location:
Davidson County
Resource Title:
Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County
Targeted Population(s):
Families, Women, Men, Young Adults
The Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency (MDHA) is the housing authority in Davidson County. Some of its goals include creating quality affordable housing and supporting neighborhoods in the greater Nashville area. Examples of community development programs provided by MDHA include Continuum of Care, which aims to end homelessness, and the Home Repair Program, which helps qualified residents with home repairs (e.g., roof repair, HVAC). For more information on these programs:
Geographic Location:
Davidson County
Resource Title:
Meals on Wheels
Targeted Population(s):
Meals on Wheels provides free meals to senior citizens in 13 counties of Middle Tennessee. Volunteers visit the homes of seniors and provide meals and additional support, such as pet food. Seniors must be over the age of 60 to be eligible for the program.
Material Needs - Food, Social Support
Geographic Location:
Rutherford County, Williamson County, Wilson County, Middle Tennessee
Resource Title:
Mid-Cumberland Human Resource Agency
Targeted Population(s):
Adults, Elderly, Men, Women
Mid-Cumberland Public Transit provides curb-to-curb rural transportation with flexible schedules. Rides are scheduled first come first served, with medical appointments given priority. Individuals can schedule a ride by contacting their local Mid-Cumberland Human Resource Agency county office by email or phone.
Geographic Location:
Rutherford County, Williamson County, Wilson County, Middle Tennessee
Resource Title:
Monroe Harding
Targeted Population(s):
Adolescents, Adults, Men, Women
Targeted at young men and women, ages 16-26, who have aged out of foster care or state custody, Monroe Harding provides programs that aid in finding housing, employment and the development of life skills. GED preparation, college planning, and therapy for trauma-related life experiences are also provided.
Education, Employment, Housing, Safety, Social Support, Stress
Geographic Location:
Middle Tennessee
Resource Title:
Mother to Mother
Targeted Population(s):
Children, Families
Mother to Mother provides diapers, car seats, and other childcare essentials to mothers and families in need. Additionally, Mother to Mother offers resources to help mothers and children find safe housing.
Housing, Material Needs - Child Care, Material Needs - General
Geographic Location:
Davidson County, Tennessee (statewide)
Resource Title:
Nashville Adult Literacy Council
Targeted Population(s):
Adolescents, Men, Women
The Nashville Adult Literacy Council is a nonprofit association that teaches adults how to improve their reading and writing skills. General equivalency degree (GED) classes are offered at probation centers and parole offices in Davidson County. Additionally, the Nashville Adult Literacy Council offers English language classes and citizenship test tutoring for immigrants.
Education, Incarceration, Language
Geographic Location:
Davidson County
Resource Title:
Nashville Cares
Targeted Population(s):
Adolescents, Adults, Men, Women
Some programs may require a fee. Contact the organization for more information about fees and payment options.
Insurance, Material Needs - Dental, Medical/Medicine, Vision, Social Support
Geographic Location:
Davidson County, Middle Tennessee
Resource Title:
Nashville Mayor's Office in partnership with United Way of Greater Nashville
Targeted Population(s):
The Financial Empowerment Center provides no-cost, professional financial counseling to anyone living in Greater Nashville—regardless of income. Financial counselors help with improving credit, managing debt, creating a budget, and more.
Personal Finances
Geographic Location:
Davidson County
Resource Title:
Nashville International Center for Empowerment
Targeted Population(s):
Adolescents, Adults, Families
The Nashville International Center for Empowerment (NICE) provides information, support, and opportunities for refugees and immigrants in Middle Tennessee. NICE programs are focused on education, resettlement, employment, health, and immigration.
Education, Employment, Housing, Language, Material Needs - Dental, Medical/Medicine, Vision, Material Needs - General, Refugees
Geographic Location:
Davidson County, Middle Tennessee
Resource Title:
Nashville Launch Pad
Targeted Population(s):
Young Adults
Nashville Launch Pad provides temporary, safe, street-free sleeping shelters for unhoused young adults. Both longer term (six months) and emergency shelter options are provided.
Housing, Material Needs - General, Safety, Social Support
Geographic Location:
Davidson County, Middle Tennessee
Resource Title:
Metro Transit Authority
Targeted Population(s):
Adults, Men, Women
AccessRide is a publicly funded program of Nashville Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA), which provides low cost rides for individuals unable to use the regular city buses due to disabilities. AccessRide uses special vans to accommodate individuals with limited mobility, their service dogs, and their personal care attendants. Eligibility is established through an American with Disabilities Act worksheet; reservations are required to schedule a ride.
Personal Finances, Transportation
Geographic Location:
Davidson County