
Free Radicals detection by EPR

Free Radicals in Medicine CORE


Dr. Sergey Dikalov
EPR machine
FRIMCORE is equipped with new state-of-the-art Bruker EMX plus © EPR spectrometer with high sensitivity microwave cavity for detection of ultra-low levels of free radicals in the biological cellular and tissue samples. We perform measurements at room temperature, liquid nitrogen or temperature-controlled system from 180 to 320 °K. X-band EPR spectroscopy allows highest sensitivity free radical detection using spin traps, spin probes or directly measure biological free radicals such as ascorbate radical and nitrosyl hemoglobin. New Linux-based Xenon software provide convenient data acquisition and analysis.

Using EPR spectrometer we offer a varity of services:

1) spin trapping study of superoxide and other free radicals;
2) site specific superoxide measurements by hydroxylamine spin probes;
3) analysis of cellular redox status by reduced thiol spin probes;
4) xanthine oxidase activity assay in cells, tissue and plasma;
5) NADPH oxidase activity assay in cells and tissue;
6) measurements of nitric oxide in vitro using Fe-DETC method;
7) analysis of nitric oxide production in vivo by NO-Hb;
8) study of antioxidant reactions and activity.

We recommend scheduling a meeting prior to EPR service in order to determine the best method and protocol for sample preparation. This service may require training for sample preparation, however, all samples will be processed by FRIMCORE staff.  To schedule a meeting or consultation please contact Dr. Sergey Dikalov:

Address: 2200 Pierce Ave, 558 PRB, Nashville, TN 37232
e-mail Sergey.Dikalov@Vanderbilt.Edu
phone  615-322-3304; 615-936-3694
fax  615-322-4707

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